Friday, 23 June 2017

Omega 3

Having moved on from researching anti-oxidants, I'm now looking at everything and anything else which could improve my sperm morphology, and honestly, its slim pickings.

The only thing i can find which isn't an antioxidant, is Omega 3.

There are a few studies out there which investigate the impact of Omega 3 on sperm morphology, this one is perhaps the most interesting, it essentially analysed Omega 3 intake for 99 men and compared various sperm parameters, it found;

"intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was associated with higher normal sperm morphology. Men in the highest tertile of omega-3 fatty acid intake had a 2.2 (95% CI: 0.7 to 3.4) higher percentage of morphologically normal sperm than men in the lowest tertile of intake."

Here's the table with the stats, the higher the Omega 3 intake as a % of your diet, the higher the sperm morphology;

This is a minor improvement, but I'm looking for all the help i can get, so Omega 3 makes the (now completely full) supplement list!

Next up I'm going to look into acupuncture a little more as there appears to be a few studies out there which suggest it can have a positive impact on sperm morphology.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Semenax and Sperm

After much deliberation, I've decided a product known as Semenax makes the list of supplements.

In my quest to improve my sperm morphology, I have been almost constantly bombarded by advertisements for various 'libido enhancers' all 'scientifically proven' to improve my sex life (I guess after searching for 'how to improve sperm morphology' over 50 times, google tries its best to help out).

So after exhausting pretty much every scientific paper i can find about sperm morphology, I started to look elsewhere, and Semenax is one of many products out there that claims to improve my libido (and sex life among other things).

To cut to the chase, there are a lot of trash products out there, i read up on at least 20 similar 'fertility' and 'male enhancement' products and they were all garbage with no scientific evidence to support their claims.

One of the few products which actually supported some of their claims was Semenax.

The unique selling point of Semenax is that it appears to increase the volume of your semen, by increasing the amount of seminal fluid produced by the body. Semenax has a huge amount of ingredients, so they appear to taking a kitchen sink approach to their product;

Their website gives more details on the effect of all these ingredients, and there is a lot of good stuff in there which ties up with a lot of the research I've conducted over the last few months; Arginine, Zinc, Carnitine, Vitamin E, Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) have all been proven to improve sperm quality.

But the main reason i went with Semenax is because they have actually produced a scientific paper, they tested the product on 60 people and the results actually showed a marginal improvement in sperm morphology;

Though I don't fully understand the ANOVA measurement style, the key thing in my mind is that the morphology numbers improved!

So Semenax makes the list, if this improvement in morphology was down to the antioxidants included in the product, then great. If its down to some of the other ingredients, then I've now got that covered too.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Pycnogenol - The last antioxidant

Pycnogenol is the last of the major antioxidants i think can help improve my Sperm morphology. It also appears to be one of the most powerful antioxidants available.

This paper, details some amazing improvements in sperm morphology - 19 people took 200mg of Pycnogenol a day for 3 months, and this was result;

"...Pycnogenol produced a 38% improvement in sperm morphology "

38% improvement!! That's huge!!

But there's more good news about Pycnogenol, this site concludes that when combined with COQ10, the power of both antioxidants is actually increased;

"The antioxidant effect of both micronutrients together was higher than expected from their respective individual activities, proving that CoQ10 and Pycnogenol cooperate synergistically for maintaining good cardiovascular health."

So Pycnogenol makes the list of antioxidant supplements.

Next up I'm going to look into other supplements which may improve morphology as my research into antioxidants has pretty much dried up!