Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Lifestyle changes + Second test booked in!

It's now been about 3 months since the results of my first Semen analysis and the start of my new 'morphology improving' lifestyle, so I've booked myself in for the second test, I'll post the results on here once i have them in a few weeks time.

In summary, when it comes to improving sperm morphology, the key findings appear to be;

  1. More antioxidants
  2. Less heat

My current regimen follows these findings and is based entirely on reputable scientific studies proven to improve sperm morphology in some way;

The Current Regimen;

CoQ10 (300mg x2 a day)
Folic Acid (40mg x2 a day)
Vitamin C (500mg x3 a day)
Acetyl L-Carnitine (1000mg x2 a day)
Omega 3 (1000mg x3 a day)
N-Acetyl-Cysteine 700mg
Semenax - for various supplements inc;
- Zinc 30mg,
- L-Carnitine 500mg,
- Maca 400g,
- Pine Bark Extract 300mg (Pycnogenol),
- L-Arginine 250mg

Diet changes;
1 tin of Tomato soup per day (13mg Lycopene)
3/4 Brazil nuts a day (200ug Selenium, 1mg Vitamin E)
2 Cups Green Tea
Lots of Popcorn (Very high in antioxidants!) No more crisps
Lots of Dark chocolate (80%+ cocoa) No more mars bars
Lots of Goji Berries (extremely high in antioxidants!)
1 bowl of Porridge a day. No more donuts
1 bottle Tomato Juice a day, no more Coca-Cola / sugar drinks
No more takeaways / Pizza / fast food / junk food, all replaced with healthy alternative (salads, soups, loads of vegetables)

Lifestyle changes;
Alcohol intake reduced 80% (no more binge drinking every weekend)
No more strong black coffee
3x 5km run a week
'ice the ball's' 1hr every day (sit on a bag of ice)
Shorts / boxers whenever possible (stay cool) 

I just wanted to share a few extra things I've noticed since starting this regimen;

  • Without putting any effort into it, I've lost a stone in weight (about 6.5kg),
    • It wasn't an objective of mine to lose weight (I'm 6'2" so I've always thought i could weigh a little more if anything) but I've actually dropped from 13st to 12st in the space of 3 months.
    • If anything I've actually been eating a lot more food, so i can only put the weight loss down to eating more healthily and my 5km runs (which i tried to do 3x a week but actually only managed about 2x on average). 
    • I've cut out things like crisps, mars bars, donuts, pizza takeaways, McDonalds etc, and replaced them all with their high antioxidant / healthy equivalent, but i certainly haven't been eating any less in terms of volume. 

  • I'm sleeping a lot better
    • I used to be a very light sleeper and would wake up multiple times in the night, since starting this regimen I've found that i sleep a lot more soundly.
    • I put this entirely down to cutting back on Coffee and Alcohol, because nowadays whenever i go for even a few beers or have a single strong coffee, i sometimes don't sleep right for 2/3 days afterwards. It totally sends my system out of whack.

  • My Memory and Focus has improved 
    • This is an interesting one, I've found that I'm a little sharper at work, and a little more focused on the task at hand. I still get distracted, but not as easily as i used to.
    • I think this one might be down to the Acetyl L-Carnitine, which i remember reading helps with cognitive function.

  • My Sex Drive has improved 
    • After nearly 2 years of trying to conceive, a part of me was thinking sex had almost become a stressful chore, and i think this was starting to impact my libido, but after 3 months of this regimen, my sex drive has gone through the roof! I no longer see sex as a stressful chore, i just want it all the time! 😁💪

I take all of these improvements as a sign that my body is now in a happier place. Hopefully we'll see this reflected in the results of the next test!


  1. Thanks a lot for those informations and for this blog!! My DH also has teratozoospermia and he actually taking a lot of antioxydants...hope it will improve his SA. thanks!

  2. Any developments since June? I also have poor morphology and we have been struggling to conceive. I've also invested a lot of time in reading scientific papers and buying supplements to help. There's one supplement notable in its absence which is Astaxanthin - the most powerful antioxidant of all. Do some googling, but there was a trial where it massive increased the pregnancy rate if men took the supplement (pregnancy is your goal afterall). There is also a huge trial happening now but the results won't be issued till next year. Let us know how you get on.
