Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Lifestyle changes + Second test booked in!

It's now been about 3 months since the results of my first Semen analysis and the start of my new 'morphology improving' lifestyle, so I've booked myself in for the second test, I'll post the results on here once i have them in a few weeks time.

In summary, when it comes to improving sperm morphology, the key findings appear to be;

  1. More antioxidants
  2. Less heat

My current regimen follows these findings and is based entirely on reputable scientific studies proven to improve sperm morphology in some way;

The Current Regimen;

CoQ10 (300mg x2 a day)
Folic Acid (40mg x2 a day)
Vitamin C (500mg x3 a day)
Acetyl L-Carnitine (1000mg x2 a day)
Omega 3 (1000mg x3 a day)
N-Acetyl-Cysteine 700mg
Semenax - for various supplements inc;
- Zinc 30mg,
- L-Carnitine 500mg,
- Maca 400g,
- Pine Bark Extract 300mg (Pycnogenol),
- L-Arginine 250mg

Diet changes;
1 tin of Tomato soup per day (13mg Lycopene)
3/4 Brazil nuts a day (200ug Selenium, 1mg Vitamin E)
2 Cups Green Tea
Lots of Popcorn (Very high in antioxidants!) No more crisps
Lots of Dark chocolate (80%+ cocoa) No more mars bars
Lots of Goji Berries (extremely high in antioxidants!)
1 bowl of Porridge a day. No more donuts
1 bottle Tomato Juice a day, no more Coca-Cola / sugar drinks
No more takeaways / Pizza / fast food / junk food, all replaced with healthy alternative (salads, soups, loads of vegetables)

Lifestyle changes;
Alcohol intake reduced 80% (no more binge drinking every weekend)
No more strong black coffee
3x 5km run a week
'ice the ball's' 1hr every day (sit on a bag of ice)
Shorts / boxers whenever possible (stay cool) 

I just wanted to share a few extra things I've noticed since starting this regimen;

  • Without putting any effort into it, I've lost a stone in weight (about 6.5kg),
    • It wasn't an objective of mine to lose weight (I'm 6'2" so I've always thought i could weigh a little more if anything) but I've actually dropped from 13st to 12st in the space of 3 months.
    • If anything I've actually been eating a lot more food, so i can only put the weight loss down to eating more healthily and my 5km runs (which i tried to do 3x a week but actually only managed about 2x on average). 
    • I've cut out things like crisps, mars bars, donuts, pizza takeaways, McDonalds etc, and replaced them all with their high antioxidant / healthy equivalent, but i certainly haven't been eating any less in terms of volume. 

  • I'm sleeping a lot better
    • I used to be a very light sleeper and would wake up multiple times in the night, since starting this regimen I've found that i sleep a lot more soundly.
    • I put this entirely down to cutting back on Coffee and Alcohol, because nowadays whenever i go for even a few beers or have a single strong coffee, i sometimes don't sleep right for 2/3 days afterwards. It totally sends my system out of whack.

  • My Memory and Focus has improved 
    • This is an interesting one, I've found that I'm a little sharper at work, and a little more focused on the task at hand. I still get distracted, but not as easily as i used to.
    • I think this one might be down to the Acetyl L-Carnitine, which i remember reading helps with cognitive function.

  • My Sex Drive has improved 
    • After nearly 2 years of trying to conceive, a part of me was thinking sex had almost become a stressful chore, and i think this was starting to impact my libido, but after 3 months of this regimen, my sex drive has gone through the roof! I no longer see sex as a stressful chore, i just want it all the time! 😁💪

I take all of these improvements as a sign that my body is now in a happier place. Hopefully we'll see this reflected in the results of the next test!

Friday, 7 July 2017


Ok so the last addition to the 'sperm morphology improvement regime' relates to acupuncture.

Acupuncture is something I've always been curious about, I've had it in the past for a hip injury and it definitely 100% helped (the injury cleared up a few days after the acupuncture, coincidence? perhaps, perhaps not).

I've done some reading up on it and there does seem to be some evidence that it can also improve semen parameters.

In Chinese medicine there is a lot of talk of meridian lines & energy flows which can become blocked through things like poor lifestyle or diet. These blockages can cause health problems which can in theory lead to things like poor sperm morphology. Acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal medicine can in help to improve these energy flows, and return the body to its natural state.

In western terms, Acupuncture basically works by having loads of needles stuck into your body at key points, depending on the positioning of these needles, they basically 'sends a biomechanical signal' to the body, which causes a 'biochemical response' in the body.

There are studies here, here and a writeup here which are definitely worth reading. The general consensus appears to be that it can help improve overall sperm health.

Unfortunately a lot of the studies out there have patients receiving 2 sessions a week, acupuncture is a pricey experience, and i simply cannot afford it that frequently! However i wanted to give it a go anyway, so i booked myself in for a session.

The acupuncturist asked me a lot of questions about my health and lifestyle, took a look at my tongue and my semen analysis results, and then stuck a load of needles along my arms and legs and around my belly. She said she'd seen my kind of result before, and believed it to be primarily related to excessive heat in the body.

She theorised that a lack of 'nourishment' in my body (i.e. vitamins) probably wasn't an issue due to my high sperm count, she suspected that my lifestyle was fine, however excessive heat in the testicles was simply destroying the production process.

She suggested i go to a urologist and get checked for a Varicocele, (big vein in the testies that generate a lot or heat). Although my testies look fine to me, there could be a large problematic vein i cant see which could be causing trouble.

She also suggested i wear shorts, boxers, 'ice the balls' regularly, and don't sit down for lengthy periods of time, as this should all help cool things down and hopefully, improve the sperm morphology.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Omega 3

Having moved on from researching anti-oxidants, I'm now looking at everything and anything else which could improve my sperm morphology, and honestly, its slim pickings.

The only thing i can find which isn't an antioxidant, is Omega 3.

There are a few studies out there which investigate the impact of Omega 3 on sperm morphology, this one is perhaps the most interesting, it essentially analysed Omega 3 intake for 99 men and compared various sperm parameters, it found;

"intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was associated with higher normal sperm morphology. Men in the highest tertile of omega-3 fatty acid intake had a 2.2 (95% CI: 0.7 to 3.4) higher percentage of morphologically normal sperm than men in the lowest tertile of intake."

Here's the table with the stats, the higher the Omega 3 intake as a % of your diet, the higher the sperm morphology;

This is a minor improvement, but I'm looking for all the help i can get, so Omega 3 makes the (now completely full) supplement list!

Next up I'm going to look into acupuncture a little more as there appears to be a few studies out there which suggest it can have a positive impact on sperm morphology.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Semenax and Sperm

After much deliberation, I've decided a product known as Semenax makes the list of supplements.

In my quest to improve my sperm morphology, I have been almost constantly bombarded by advertisements for various 'libido enhancers' all 'scientifically proven' to improve my sex life (I guess after searching for 'how to improve sperm morphology' over 50 times, google tries its best to help out).

So after exhausting pretty much every scientific paper i can find about sperm morphology, I started to look elsewhere, and Semenax is one of many products out there that claims to improve my libido (and sex life among other things).

To cut to the chase, there are a lot of trash products out there, i read up on at least 20 similar 'fertility' and 'male enhancement' products and they were all garbage with no scientific evidence to support their claims.

One of the few products which actually supported some of their claims was Semenax.

The unique selling point of Semenax is that it appears to increase the volume of your semen, by increasing the amount of seminal fluid produced by the body. Semenax has a huge amount of ingredients, so they appear to taking a kitchen sink approach to their product;

Their website gives more details on the effect of all these ingredients, and there is a lot of good stuff in there which ties up with a lot of the research I've conducted over the last few months; Arginine, Zinc, Carnitine, Vitamin E, Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) have all been proven to improve sperm quality.

But the main reason i went with Semenax is because they have actually produced a scientific paper, they tested the product on 60 people and the results actually showed a marginal improvement in sperm morphology;

Though I don't fully understand the ANOVA measurement style, the key thing in my mind is that the morphology numbers improved!

So Semenax makes the list, if this improvement in morphology was down to the antioxidants included in the product, then great. If its down to some of the other ingredients, then I've now got that covered too.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Pycnogenol - The last antioxidant

Pycnogenol is the last of the major antioxidants i think can help improve my Sperm morphology. It also appears to be one of the most powerful antioxidants available.

This paper, details some amazing improvements in sperm morphology - 19 people took 200mg of Pycnogenol a day for 3 months, and this was result;

"...Pycnogenol produced a 38% improvement in sperm morphology "

38% improvement!! That's huge!!

But there's more good news about Pycnogenol, this site concludes that when combined with COQ10, the power of both antioxidants is actually increased;

"The antioxidant effect of both micronutrients together was higher than expected from their respective individual activities, proving that CoQ10 and Pycnogenol cooperate synergistically for maintaining good cardiovascular health."

So Pycnogenol makes the list of antioxidant supplements.

Next up I'm going to look into other supplements which may improve morphology as my research into antioxidants has pretty much dried up!

Friday, 26 May 2017

What causes Teratozoospermia (Part 2)

The more I read up about Teratozoospermia (and not just Teratozoospermia, but male infertility in general), the more i am convinced that Oxidative Stress plays a huge role.

The building blocks behind healthy sperm are quite simple; maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly (but not to excess), avoid stress and eat a healthy diet of protein, fruit and vegetables. This alone should give a man everything they need to create healthy sperm well into their 40's and 50's. Simple.

But for whatever reason, in some males, there appears to be something happening which impedes the healthy formation of sperm. For a healthy man to have 0% morphology at 33 years old is quite unusual, there must be something else at play, something which is constantly nuking the production process.... And almost every study out there seems to think its Oxidative stress.

There are a few things that (i think) I've come to understand over the last few months which could be impacting me;

1) Oxidative Stress on the testicles is something that can build up over time; The major culprits appear to be
  • Alcohol 
  • Poor diet
  • Excessive heat (in fact i read in some cultures people use excessive heat to sterilise themselves!)

These things cause oxidative stress, which leads to poor sperm morphology.

But there's another source of Oxidative stress, and that's;

  • Defective Sperm themselves - They essentially fall to pieces and in doing so, actually cause Oxidative Stress to the other healthy sperm.


More Oxidative Stress means more Defective Sperm
More Defective Sperm leads to more Oxidative Stress

Its a vicious cycle which if left unchecked could totally trash the quality of your sperm.

This article provides a good overview of all things that can impact on sperm quality, it summarises;

"Spermatozoa are vulnerable to ROS (oxidative stress) because their plasma membrane and cytoplasm contain large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids.5 Excessive generation of ROS in semen by leukocytes as well as by abnormal spermatozoa could be a cause of infertility."

I think its possible my intake of antioxidants has been so low over the last few years that the build up of Oxidative Stress has pushed my sperm into this vicious cycle from which it cannot escape on its own..

2) Each cell in the body is under constant attack from Free radicals;

10,000 times per day for each cell! That truly is huge, the one glass of orange juice a week i had on my old diet really wasn't enough to fight this barrage, so its no wonder my sperm production process has fallen into this vicious cycle. 

The 'cure' to all of this definitely appears to be a huge and ongoing dose of a variety of antioxidants, this should be enough to pull the sperm production process out of this funk and get things back on track. Time will tell, the next sperm test is only a few months away!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Selenium (AKA Brazil Nuts)

I'm now taking so many supplements that I'm starting to rattle, however the research continues and the latest discovery relates to Selenium. And it appears as though the jury is out.

When i received by sperm analysis results, the doctor suggested i should eat some brazil nuts and drink green tea, at the time i thanked him for his advice but in my head i was thinking 'no way that's going to make any difference'. Regardless, i started eating the brazil nuts, about a handful a day.

Brazil nuts are apparently extremely high in Selenium, which appears to be very important to the formation of sperm;

"..Selenium protects lipid shell encasing each sperm (prevents lipid peroxidation), which is especially important since sperm have a very delicate fatty acid composition."

Essentially it helps protect the sperm from free radicals.

According to the below supplement sheet, 6 large brazil nuts can contain a whole load of useful nutrients including Vitamin E, Zinc & Magnesium, but most importantly, they contain about 800% of the RDA for Selenium;

That's an extremely high dose of selenium for just 6 brazil nuts, so how many should i be eating exactly?

Well, it seems that nobody really knows for sure. Too little and there's no impact, too much and it can have a negative impact;

A study into a dose of just 0.2mg of Selenium combined with n-acetyl-cysteine (another antioxidant i haven't yet looked into) had a good result;

"after 26 weeks of Se supplementation the mean total sperm count, concentration, normal morphology percentage and motility increased from baseline relative to placebo treatment"

Good stuff, so how about a higher dose?

A study into a dose of 0.3mg Selenium alone had this to say;

"higher Se supplementation (300μg/ day orally) increased serum and seminal plasma Se concentrations but did not affect sperm Se, serum androgen concentrations or sperm parameters [22]. The lack of an increase in sperm Se suggests that testicular Se stores are unresponsive to dietary Se concentrations"

...No major impact. Ok so how about even higher?

This study tried a volume greater than 0.4mg and had this result;

"The fraction of motile sperm in the high-selenium group decreased by 32% by week 13 and ended 18% lower than baseline. Selenium concentrations changed in seminal plasma but not in sperm"

So it appears as though a high dose is a no-go. The studies show an increase in Selenium within the seminal plasma, but not the sperm itself... This suggests to me that the spermies just don't require that much selenium.

This summary sheet provides a good overview of the various Selenium studies out there, it essentially concludes that selenium is most effective at a low dose and combined with antioxidants, particularly vitamin E (which is also present in Brazil nuts).

So exactly how many brazil nuts should i be eating? This website suggests 6-8 brazil nuts can contain about 0.5mg of selenium. I need about half of that apparently, so from now on I'm going to eat just 3 brazil nuts a day for my selenium fix.

Friday, 5 May 2017


So it appears as though this one is a biggy.

There are a lot of studies out there into L-Carnitine and as far as i can see, all of them conclude the same thing, that L-Carnitine not only has antioxidant properties, but also plays a crucial (yet poorly understood) role in the formation of sperm (as far as i can tell, it appears to be primarily related to sperm motility / energy).

One study simply conducted a test into the levels of Carnitine found in the sperm of fertile & non fertile men, and they found a significantly higher amount of Carnitine in the fertile samples;

After searching for 'sources of carnitine', i found that its most commonly found in red meats like Beef and pork, neither of which i consume on a regular basis, so it follows that i might have low levels of Carnitine in my system which could be contributing to my poor sperm morphology.

One study had this result with 1500mg of L-Carnitine mixed with various antioxidants;

"Semen analysis data showed a significant increase in concentration, motility, vitality and morphology parameters"

But its this study which i found particularly interesting, it gave 156 people 1000mg of Carnitine a day for 3 months, and this was the result;

A significant uptick in all parameters, but its greatest impact was on morphology, so this one seems like a no brainer, its definitely something i need to add to the collection.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (aka Ascorbic acid), i had no idea how important it was.

In my quest to understand the importance of Antioxidants in improving sperm morphology, I've stumbled across a few useful promising studies.

This study is particularly fascinating, 13 patients with low sperm counts (but normal morphology) were given a whopping 2000mg of vitamin C a day for 2 months, and this was the result;

A huge uptick across the board! Importantly for me though Morphology saw a huge increase, and it appears that the lower the starting morphology, the greater the improvement.

This study also suggested lower levels of vitamin C leads to higher rates of DNA damage within the sperm itself;

"When dietary AA was decreased from 250 to 5 mg/day, the seminal fluid AA decreased by half and the level of oxo8dG in sperm DNA increased 91%."

And this study further confirms that low levels of vitamin C appears to correlate with poor sperm morphology;

"Seminal AA in fertile and infertile (smokers or nonsmokers) males correlated significantly with the percentage of spermatozoa with normal morphology (p<0.01). Seminal AA decreased significantly in infertile men. Decrease of seminal plasma AA is a risk factor for low normal morphology of spermatozoa and idiopathic male infertility"

So I've immediately purchased some chewable vitamin C (500mg) tabs for my ever growing collection of supplements, I'm also going to add more citrus fruits to the diet... Aside from the odd glass of orange juice, this is something that admittedly has been almost totally absent for many, many years now.

Sunday, 23 April 2017


I'm buying tome CoQ10.

While trawling the internet for more information on antioxidants, I found a useful summary which provided collection of studies on the effects of anti oxidants on sperm. Most interesting of this was this table, which provides an overview of all the studies, the anti-oxidants, and the results.

This study immediately caught my eye;

Mean sperm concentration, sperm progressive motility, and sperm with normal morphology improved significantly after 12-month CoQ(10) therapy by 113.7, 104.8, and 78.9%, respectively (all Ps < 0.05). The overall pregnancy rate was 34.1% within a mean of 8.4 ± 4.7 months.


CoQ(10) supplementation improves semen quality with beneficial effect on pregnancy rate."

WOW! CoQ10 can improve sperm morphology by nearly 80%? 34% of participants had a spontaneous pregnancy during the study?! These are incredible figures!

This study was apparently a year long and involved 287 people taking 300mg of CoQ10 twice a day, so this isn't an overnight cure, but its a solid study and a promising start.

I've no idea if my poor sperm morphology is caused by oxidative stress or not, but even if its not, some CoQ10 apparently wont hurt my overall health, all of the CoQ10 studies appeared to have some sort of positive impact on sperm, with the higher doses having the greatest impact, so I'm heading over to Amazon now to do some shopping.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Lycopene (the tomato antioxidant)

I'm going to eat a lot more Tomatoes.

So, at the moment Antioxidants appears to be the way forward for improving Sperm morphology. And it turns out, there are loads of different types of Antioxidants.

In conducting my research I've come across another promising antioxidant called Lycopene. Lycopene is commonly found in tomatoes and other red vegetables. Something that my diet currently lacks.

There are a few promising articles about Lycopene and the effects on sperm (here, here, and here), the key headline appears to be 'New 'tomato pill' could SUPERCHARGE sperm by 70 per cent'

There is one old study here which suggests 4mg of Lycopene a day for 3 months had this result;

"Twenty patients (66%) showed an improvement in sperm concentration, sixteen (53%) had improved motility and fourteen (46%) showed improvement in sperm morphology."

There are clinical trials underway right now to prove whether 7mg can lead to further improvements, the supplement being tested has been developed by the university of Cambridge and can be found here.

While the previous studies appear promising, I'm reluctant to shell out cash for a somewhat unproven supplement, instead I've researched how many tomatoes I'll need to eat to get a daily dose of Lycopene.

This website suggests a simple tin of tomato soup will give me a whopping 13mg of Lycopene! so I'm going to adjust my diet accordingly to try and consume at least a tin of tomato soup a day.

UPDATE: This article reports on the effects a tin of tomato soup has on Lycopene levels in the testies (the antioxidant was detected but they didn't do any analysis into the impact on sperm).

What causes Teratozoospermia?

I've obviously been doing a lot of research into this recently, while I'm now convinced there appears to be a link between a lack of antioxidants and Teratozoospermia (see previous post), it doesn't explain everything away.

I know people who are a lot older than me, people who drink excessively, smoke, don't exercise and are generally unhealthy who have all managed to have kids.

It doesn't make sense, people have been having kids since the dawn of time without requiring huge amount of antioxidants, there must be more to it, so i did some more digging and here's what i found;

  1. Nobody really knows what causes it

That's it!

Hodgkin's disease, coeliac disease, Crohn's disease, smoking, Varicocele, drugs, STD's, poor diet, pesticides, infections, excessive heat, diabetes, age, chemotherapy, excessive trauma, pollution, lifestyle.

All of these things could contribute to poor sperm morphology and lead to Teratozoospermia. But this is largely theoretical or based on limited evidence. And none of them truly impact me.

The only things i can think of which may apply to me could be Alcohol and genetics;

ENORMOUS Oxidative stress! Time and time again it appears as a cause of poor sperm morphology, however I don't think i drink enough Alcohol to cause catastrophic damage to my sperm production, i probably only drink about 7 beers a week on average (but that's usually in one evening). That might cause some damage, but wouldn't be enough to render me totally infertile surely?

There's another study about the link between Oxidative Stress and Sperm which included some interesting figures about alcohol (see below) - people who had consumed alcohol in the last 3 months had a significantly lower sperm count, but they actually had slightly higher motility and concentration;

There are a lot more factors in play here which I'm breezing over, but essentially I'm just going to cut back on Alcohol. No more than 2 beers in any one evening should be fine, I'm not going to cut it out completely (that would be just too depressing!)

Genetics; A few websites touch upon this. They essentially suggest that the factory which produces the sperm is defective due to my genetics. Therefore the factory produces defective sperm with fragmented DNA. If this is the case then there is truly nothing that can be done for me, its simply the way I've been built, i cant change that any more than i can change the colour of my eyes... This study talks a little bit more about missing DNA sequences which could cause sperm to be defective, but it doesn't really mean much to me.

Perhaps my Dad has Teratozoospermia and its been passed on to me & amplified? Who knows (I'm hoping its not that).

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Antioxidants; Teratozoospermia cure?

Antioxidants, Teratozoospermia cure The doctor suggested increasing my intake of antioxidants may help improve my sperm. I didn't believe him at first, how can a simple cup of green tea make me fertile? It seemed like a stretch.

So i started the same place everyone does, Google.

Turns out 'oxidative stress' appears to be a major cause of infertility among men. So i started reading up about it;

Basically something as essential as breathing appears to cause free radicals, which can then go on to cause oxidative stress to sperm production, who knew?!

Free radicals can also be caused by alcohol, smoking, air pollution, or eating processed foods among other things... If you don't consume enough anti-oxidants, these free radicals can build up over time and apparently cause some real damage.

Now, I've never smoked, but I'm not exactly a fan of my fruits, and I've been known to drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of crap over the years. Perhaps its all finally caught up with me? Although I feel I've always been moderately healthy (If sperm morphology was determined by health alone, I'd expect my morphology to be in the 60% - 65% range), perhaps I've neglected anti-oxidants without even realising?

This study is particularly interesting, if I've understood it correctly, this graph essentially compares oxidant levels (LP, the left bar) and antioxidant levels (SOD, the right bar) in the testies of Teratozoospermic men;

You can see in Teratozoospermic men, the oxidant levels are almost off the charts.

There are a few more studies that support the theory, including this one which concluded ROS (Oxidative Stress) was much higher in Teratozoospermic men;

"RESULTS Sperm morphology was significantly poor in the Teratozoospermic Group compared with the 3 Donor Groups (P < 0.05). Significantly higher levels of ROS (RLU/sec/10⁶ sperm) were seen in the Teratozoospermic group (145.4 (41.5; 555.4) compared to the Donor Groups"

The below table compares the figures, in Teratozoospermic men Oxidative stress was 2.5 times higher than the 'proven donors' group;

So there appears to be a scientific consensus that there is a strong link between Oxidative Stress and poor sperm morphology. It is also accepted that antioxidants can help reduce oxidative stress.

Since 'Teratozoospermia' is essentially the term used to categorise men with seriously low morphology levels (0-4% according to the world Health Organisation), I'm led to believe that an enormous and ongoing dose of various antioxidants will improve my sperm morphology, and potentially move me out of the 'Teratozoospermia' bracket.

So the next step is to research antioxidants!

Friday, 14 April 2017

Day 0 - The test results

So today, after 18 months of trying to conceive, I picked up the results of my sperm test.

They're not great;

0% Normal morphology. Zero. The doctor said he's only ever seen one other case like it.

Diagnosis; Severe Teratozoospermia, technically I'm totally infertile.

The doctor informs me Teratozoospermia (aka Teratospermia) is a condition whereby the sperm are simply unable to penetrate the egg due to their shape. In my case the heads are either too big, too small, too long or too short, and the egg just wont allow it. Theres a video on this website which better explains things, anything below 4% morphology and you are classed as having Teratozoospermia.

As things currently stand, 0% morphology suggests i have literally zero chance of getting my wife pregnant, and this thought genuinely saddens me to my very core.

But I've decided I'm not going to sit here and cry about it, I'm going to research the hell out of this condition and I'm going to try and fix it.

I've searched around the internet and cant find much about Teratozoospermia, there're a few websites that provide more information on the condition, but not much support out there from the male perspective (as far as i can see so far anyway). So i figure I'd start a blog to detail my journey. If i happen to stumble across a regime or 'cure' which significantly improves my morphology i figure its best to share it with the world.

The doctor has given me some advice on improving my sperm morphology, and wants to see me again in 3 months for a retest. He said there are a few ray's of hope on my results; The motility (51%) and the volume (437 million) is quite good. Theres a chance a few of my guys are making it to the egg on a regular basis, they just cant crack it.

But If i can get the morphology up to just 1%, that equates to a whopping 4.37 million normal sperm, and our chances of successfully conceiving go up dramatically.

So that's my target, 1%.